19 Things That Make Dogs Happy (According to Science)

I’ve always believed that making our dogs happy is super important. They’re not just pets; they’re like family, right? And just like us, they’ve got a whole bunch of emotions.

Ever noticed how you can tell when a dog is over the moon? Wagging tail like crazy, body wiggling, relaxed, sparkly eyes, and that big, goofy grin… It’s the best feeling, isn’t it?

Now, I’m super excited to share 19 awesome, science-backed ways to keep your furry friend as happy as possible. Stick around; it’s going to be fun!

19 – Keep Your Dog Safe

Always keep your furry pal safe – it’s rule number one! I will never forget Max’s ID tag and collar; it’s a lifesaver if he ever gets lost.

When he’s enjoying the great outdoors, a fenced yard is a must for safety, plus shade and water in the heat. Car rides? Secure them safely. No heads out the window.

Busy streets and young kids need extra caution, so I always keep Max leashed and supervise him around children.

18 – Build Their Confidence

Training dogs with reward-based methods is super important. I started doing this with Max as soon as I could.

It’s not just about keeping them safe, but it also helps them grow into confident, happy dogs.

Avoiding behavior issues is key, too. Like with separation anxiety – teaching them to be cool with spending time alone while they’re still little fluff balls can save a lot of stress later on.

Believe me, it’s tough leaving them, but it’s worth it for their well-being. Teaching them to chill out and walk nicely on a leash are priceless skills.

17 – Quality Time and Bonding

Dogs are super social and just love hanging out with us. Whether playing, training, or just cuddling, it all adds to their happiness.

Did you know there’s even research suggesting that soaking up some sun can ward off the blues, both for them and us? I get Max out for walks or just chill outside on sunny days.

Playtime is a big deal, too. You should see Max’s tail wag when we play fetch!

Each dog is different – some love a good run, and others are into puzzle toys. And it’s not all about being active.

Sometimes, the best moments are when Max lounges in my lap, snoozing away while I work. Giving him a little head scratch now and then – that’s pure bliss for him.

16 – Scent and Companionship

Okay, let’s talk about something we often overlook – a dog’s love for scents! For dogs, sniffing around is like reading the latest political news.

When we go for walks, it’s about exploring the world through their incredible sense of smell. I learned that rushing Max to get the walk done isn’t cool. Letting him sniff around is key to his happiness.

Dogs are smart and love using their noses in games. Ever tried a treasure hunt with hidden treats? It’s a hit! Plus, this amazing study found that dogs get super excited by the scent of their humans more than other dogs!

So, just hanging out with your dog and letting them soak in your scent is an easy way to make their day.

15 – Toy Rotation System

I’ve found this to be a game-changer for Max. Just like us, dogs can get bored with the same old toys.

Keep that favorite tattered toy around for sure, but surprise them with a new toy every now and then. It’s like watching a kid on Christmas morning!

The trick is to let them play with it for a bit, then hide it away. When you bring it back, your pup thinks it’s a brand-new toy all over again!

14 – Sleeping Habits

I ensured Max had a super comfy, clean, and padded bed, sometimes with his favorite blanket. He loves it! It’s key to find them a quiet spot, away from all the hustle and bustle, where they can just chill undisturbed.

Have you noticed how some dogs love the safe, snug feeling of a crate or a little doggy den? It’s worth trying if your pup doesn’t seem too comfy out in the open.

By the way, sharing your bed with your dog can really strengthen your bond. I’ve read that pets who snooze with their humans tend to trust them more, not to mention the extra health benefits.

13 – Physical Exercise

It’s not just about walks; our furry friends need more to stay in tip-top shape. A good game of fetch or tug-of-war is all about those endorphins, making them feel amazing.

Playdates are my happiest days. Watching Max run, wrestle, and sniff around with his dog pals is a joy. It’s not just fun; they must burn off that extra energy.

12 – Treats and Chews

I’ve met a lot of dog owners who stick to one treat because their dog seems to love it. I get it, but here’s the thing – dogs go nuts for new treats, too!

Surprising your furry friend with a special treat or rewarding good behavior with something new can be a real game-changer.

Those long-lasting chew treats are not just tasty but help keep dogs calm, releasing those feel-good endorphins while they chew.

11 – Brain Games and Training

I love finding new ways to engage Max’s brain – interactive puzzle feeders, various toys, and even scattering treats for him to sniff out during our training sessions.

These brain games are amazing for keeping boredom away and avoiding those moments when our furry friends might get too ‘creative’ with our stuff.

Plus, they’re perfect for pups who need to take it easy physically, like after surgery.

Puzzle toys, muffin tin games, even a game of hide-and-seek – there’s so much you can do to challenge their minds and strengthen your bond.

10 – Eye Contact, Talk and Oxytocin Release

Did you know that just looking into your dog’s eyes can boost oxytocin levels for both of you? The same hormone creates that special bond between a mother and her baby.

Even though dogs might not understand our language, they love hearing us talk. It’s like they want to be part of the chat.

Max often barks back, and I swear it’s like he’s trying to join in the discussion. They’re such social creatures!

9 – Verbal and Physical Praise

It’s not just us humans who have self-esteem issues. Our smart, furry friends do, too. They’re always trying to figure out where they stand, especially in our eyes.

That’s why showing our dogs how much we love and appreciate them is so important.

Sure, treats are fantastic for rewards and training, but never underestimate the power of a good belly rub or a cheerful ‘Good boy!’ or ‘Good girl!’

8 – Regular Massages

Just like how we love a good massage, our dogs do too.

Daily massages can actually extend the length and quality of their lives! It’s also great for preparing them for physical activities and helping them unwind afterward.

For breeds like Great Danes and Mastiffs, who are prone to arthritis, it’s even more crucial.

Pro tip – get to know where your dog loves to be scratched – behind the ears, chin, or belly.

7 – Breed-Specific Activities

Each dog breed has its own set of instincts and needs. Like my friend’s Golden Retriever – they need regular grooming to keep their coat in top shape.

It’s not just about looking good; it helps with allergies, prevents matting, and keeps them comfy in all kinds of weather.

Plus, less fur on your couch, right? And let’s not forget about dental care. Brushing your dog’s teeth might not be the most exciting task, but it’s so important.

Tooth problems can be really painful for them, and trust me, preventing these issues is way better than dealing with them later.

6 – Regular Visits to the Vet and Groomer

It’s all about keeping our furry friends looking sharp and staying healthy. These pros are essential for everything from nail clipping and fur cleaning to health check-ups and vaccinations.

While not all dogs need frequent grooming sessions, they all need those vet check-ups.

If I ever notice any odd behavior or health concerns with Max, I don’t hesitate to contact the vet. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, right?

5 – Quality Diet

I try to pick the best food for Max, considering his breed, age, and size. But dogs have their own taste preferences, too. Even when you go for top-rated dog foods, ensure your pup likes it.

And, oh boy, those puppy dog eyes when we’re eating!

But remember, not all human food is good for dogs; some can even be harmful. Also, too many treats, especially without enough exercise, can lead to weight gain.

Of course, treats are important, especially for training, but it’s all about balance.

4 – Routine and Structure

Like us, dogs feel more at ease when their days have a predictable rhythm. It’s all about finding that sweet spot between a comfortable routine and keeping things interesting.

It keeps them calm and happy, but make sure their life isn’t just the same old, same old. A chaotic or unpredictable life can be stressful for dogs, too.

Anticipating fun things like walks can be as exciting for them as the activity itself. And don’t forget about mixing in new experiences.

Younger pups often thrive on novelty, while older dogs like Max might prefer a more familiar routine with just a sprinkle of new adventures.

3 – Build Their Confidence

It all starts with reward-based training. The sooner you start, the better. This training keeps them safe and helps them grow into confident, well-adjusted dogs.

I worked on teaching Max to be okay with spending time alone to prevent separation anxiety. It’s tough to leave that adorable ball of fluff but trust me, it pays off big time as they grow up.

2 – Job and Tricks

No, it’s not about earning a paycheck but about giving them mental challenges they love.

Some folks even train their dogs to carry a little bag of treats on walks. It’s all about keeping them active and engaged.

You know how we love showing off new skills to our friends? Dogs are the same! Teaching them tricks, with lots of treats and positive vibes, is a blast for both of you.

1 – A Small Garden for Your Dog

Picture this: an area in your yard dedicated just to them, with safe plants they can sniff around, maybe even a tiny sandbox for digging if they’re into that.

You could set up a miniature agility course with tunnels and jumps for fun exercise or a cozy nook with their favorite outdoor bed for lounging in the sun.

I tried this with Max, and he absolutely loves it! It’s like his own little adventure land right in our backyard. We spend hours out there, with him exploring and me enjoying watching him play.


But what makes your pup happy? Let me know if the comment section! Make sure to like and subscribe so you never miss the excellent content I send your way.