How to Stop a Dog from Chewing Furniture and Shoes

Have you ever returned home to a scene of chewed-up shoes or furniture, courtesy of your furry friend?

I remember when Max, my Labrador, was a young pup; he had a penchant for turning anything he could sink his teeth in, into his personal chew toy. My favorite pair of sneakers and the living room couch bore the brunt of his teething adventures.

While chewing is a natural and necessary behavior, especially for teething puppies, it became a concern when Max couldn’t distinguish between his toys and household items.

Understanding why he was chewing everything in sight and finding ways to redirect this behavior became essential not just for the sake of my belongings but also for his safety.

If you’re dealing with a similar situation, you’re not alone. In this guide, we’ll dive into the reasons behind inappropriate chewing and explore effective strategies to redirect this behavior.

Let’s work together to save your favorite items and ensure the safety of your four-legged companions.

Understanding Why Dogs Chew

When Max started chewing everything in sight, I was initially perplexed and a bit frustrated.

He seemed to have a particular affinity for anything that wasn’t his toy. After some research and observation, I realized that his chewing was more than just a playful habit.

Like many dogs, Max used his mouth to explore his environment, much like humans use their hands.

This behavior, while natural and important for his development, especially as a teething puppy, became an issue when he began targeting things like shoes and furniture.

I learned that the reasons behind Max’s excessive chewing were multifaceted.

It wasn’t just the discomfort from teething but also factors like boredom, anxiety, a lack of physical exercise, and insufficient mental stimulation.

Understanding these underlying causes was crucial in addressing his chewing behavior effectively.

7 Strategies to Redirect a Dogs Chewing Behavior

Dealing with Max’s chewing habit led me to explore various strategies to redirect his behavior positively and constructively.

Physical Exercise

I increased Max’s daily physical activities. We went for longer walks, played fetch, and engaged in other high-energy games.

This regular exercise helped burn off his excess energy, which was often the root cause of his destructive chewing.

The more active he was, the less he felt the need to chew inappropriately.

Mental Stimulation

Mental engagement became a priority. I introduced puzzle toys and interactive games to keep Max’s mind occupied.

Training sessions became more frequent, focusing on commands and tricks that required concentration.

These activities proved effective in reducing his inclination to chew on household items.

Appropriate Chew Toys

I provided Max with various chew toys, ensuring they were safe and durable.

I rotated these toys regularly to maintain his interest.

Whenever he chose a toy over something like a shoe or a cushion, I knew the strategy was working.

Positive Reinforcement

Whenever Max chewed his toys instead of household items, I rewarded him with praise and treats.

This positive reinforcement helped reinforce the behavior I wanted to see, encouraging him to keep choosing his toys for chewing.

Setting Boundaries

I worked on setting clear boundaries.

When Max started to chew something inappropriate, I would say a firm “no” and then redirect him to a chew toy.

Consistency in this approach was crucial for him to understand what was off-limits.

Safe Deterrents

I used non-toxic deterrent sprays on furniture and other items I didn’t want Max to chew.

These sprays, with their bitter taste, were effective in keeping him away from certain objects.

Dog-Proofing Your Home

Proactively removing temptation helped significantly.

I stored shoes and clothing out of reach, kept food off accessible surfaces, and used protective coverings on furniture.

This approach minimized Max’s opportunities for inappropriate chewing.

Advanced Solutions for Persistent Issues

As I continued to work on Max’s chewing habit, I realized that some situations might require more advanced solutions, especially for persistent issues.

Professional Training and Obedience Classes

When basic strategies weren’t enough, I considered professional training for Max.

This was particularly useful for addressing deep-rooted obedience or behavioral issues contributing to his chewing.

Trainers provided specialized techniques and a structured approach that greatly helped in modifying his behavior.

Addressing Separation Anxiety

Max’s chewing was partly due to separation anxiety. Recognizing this, I sought advice from a professional.

They suggested desensitization techniques and more advanced training methods tailored to alleviate his anxiety.

This approach required time and patience, but it was crucial in addressing the root cause of his anxiety-driven chewing.

Establishing Routine and Consistency

I worked on establishing a consistent daily routine for Max.

Regular feeding times, walks, playtime, and rest periods provided him with a sense of predictability and security.

This routine helped reduce the stress and anxiety that often triggered his chewing.

Regular Health Check-Ups

Understanding that some of Max’s chewing behavior could be linked to health issues or dietary deficiencies, I ensured he had regular veterinary check-ups.

These visits were essential for maintaining his overall health and catching any issues early that could be contributing to his chewing.


Tackling Max’s chewing habit was a journey that taught me the importance of a comprehensive approach.

Understanding that chewing is a natural dog behavior and addressing the underlying reasons were crucial steps.

By providing appropriate chew toys, creating a safe environment, and keeping Max both physically and mentally engaged, I was able to successfully redirect his chewing instincts.

It required patience, consistency, and at times, professional guidance for the more challenging aspects of his behavior.

For fellow dog owners facing similar challenges, remember that understanding your dog’s needs and being consistent in your approach are key to modifying any undesirable behavior.

In cases where the behavior is persistent or complex, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. It can make a significant difference.

Have you faced challenges with your dog’s chewing habits? How did you manage to redirect their behavior? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below.